;---------------- Sensor Default Configuration ------------------- [Device] ; Mirroring. 0 - Off (default), 1 - On ;Mirror=1 ; FrameSync. 0 - Off (default), 1 - On ;FrameSync=1 ; Stream Data Timestamps. 0 - milliseconds, 1 - microseconds (default) ;HighResTimestamps=1 ; Stream Data Timestamps Source. 0 - Firmware (default), 1 - Host ;HostTimestamps=0 ; A filter for the firmware log. Default is determined by firmware. ;FirmwareLogFilter=0 ; Automatic firmare log retrieval. 0 - Off (default), or the number of milliseconds between log retrievals operations. ;FirmwareLogInterval=1000 ; Print firmware log to console when automatic firmware log retrieval is on. 0 - Off (default), 1 - On ;FirmwareLogPrint=1 ; Is APC enabled. 0 - Off, 1 - On (default) ;APCEnabled=1 ; USB interface to be used. 0 - FW Default, 1 - ISO endpoints (default on Windows), 2 - BULK endpoints (default on Linux/Mac/Android machines), 3 - ISO endpoints for low-bandwidth depth UsbInterface=2 [Depth] ; Output format. 100 - 1mm depth values (default), 102 - u9.2 Shift values. ;OutputFormat=100 ; Is stream mirrored. 0 - Off, 1 - On ;Mirror=1 ; 0 - QVGA, 1 - VGA, 4 - QQVGA. Default: Arm - 4, other platforms - 0, -14 1280x720, 15 1280x960,-16 1280x800, -17 640x400 -20 320x200,-21 480x640, -25 960x1280, -26 800x1280,-27 400x640 Resolution=1 ; Frames per second (default is 30) ;FPS=30 ; Min depth cutoff. 0-10000 mm (default is 0) ;MinDepthValue=0 ; Max depth cutoff. 0-10000 mm (default is 10000) ;MaxDepthValue=10000 ; Input format. 0 - Uncompressed 16-bit, 1 - PS Compression,2 - Packed 10-bit, 3 - Packed 11-bit, 4 - Packed 12-bit. Default: Arm - 4, other platforms - 3 InputFormat=3 ; Registration. 0 - Off (default), 1 - On ;Registration=1 ; Registration Type. 0 - Don't care (default), 1 - use hardware accelaration, 2 - perform in software ;RegistrationType=0 ; software filter 0-off ,1--on (default) ;SoftFilter=0 ; Depth Rotate 0-off(default) ,1--on (only atlas device support) ;DepthRotate=0 ;Read Params (for test only) ;ReadParams=0 ; dual sensor: 5.96 mm ;focallength=5.96 ;dual sensor: 0.0052mm ;dPlanePixelSize=0.113967 ;dPlaneDistance=130 ;dual sensor: 75mm ;dEmitterDcmosDistance=7.500000 ;dhorizontalFov=0.022600 ;dverticalFov=0.796616 ; Hole Filler. 0 - Off, 1 - On (default) ;HoleFilter=0 ; White Balance. 0 - Off, 1 - On (default) ;WhiteBalancedEnabled=0 ; Gain. 0-50 (0 - Auto, 1 - Min., 50 - Max.). Default value is set by firmware. ;Gain=0 ; Close Range Mode. 0 - Off (default), 1 - On ;CloseRange=1 ; GMC Mode. 0 - Off, 1 - On (default) ;GMCMode=0 ; GMC Debug. 0 - Off (default), 1 - On ;GMCDebug=1 ; Depth Auto Gain Region-of-Interest. Default values are set by firmware. ;DepthAGCBin0MinDepth=500 ;DepthAGCBin0MaxDepth=800 ;DepthAGCBin1MinDepth=1500 ;DepthAGCBin1MaxDepth=1800 ;DepthAGCBin2MinDepth=2500 ;DepthAGCBin2MaxDepth=2800 ;DepthAGCBin3MinDepth=3500 ;DepthAGCBin3MaxDepth=3800 ; Wavelength Correction Mechanism. 0 - Off (default), 1 - On ;WavelengthCorrection=1 ; Wavelength Correction debug info. 0 - Off (default), 1 - On ;WavelengthCorrectionDebug=1 ; Cropping mode. 1 - Normal (default), 2 - Increased FPS, 3 - Software only ;CroppingMode=2 ; Cropping area [Depth.Cropping] OffsetX=0 OffsetY=0 SizeX=320 SizeY=240 ;Enabled=1 [Image] ; Output format. 200 - RGB888 (default), 201 - YUV422, 202 - Gray8 (2.0 MP only), 205 - YUYV ;OutputFormat=201 ; Is stream mirrored. 0 - Off, 1 - On ;Mirror=1 ; 0 - QVGA (default), 1 - VGA, 2 - SXGA (1.3MP), 3 - UXGA (2.0MP), 14 - 720p, 15 - 1280x960 Resolution=1 ; Frames per second (default is 30) ;FPS=30 ; Input format. 0 - Compressed 8-bit BAYER (1.3MP or 2.0MP only), 1 - Compressed YUV422 (default in BULK), 2 - Jpeg, 5 - Uncompressed YUV422 (default in ISO), 6 - Uncompressed 8-bit BAYER (1.3MP or 2.0MP only), 7 - Uncompressed YUYV InputFormat=5 ; Anti Flicker. 0 - Off (default), 50 - 50Hz, 60 - 60 Hz. ;Flicker=50 ; Image quality when using Jpeg. 1-10 (1 - Lowest, 10 - Highest (default)) ;Quality=10 ; Cropping mode. 1 - Normal (default), 2 - Increased FPS, 3 - Software only ;CroppingMode=1 ; Cropping area [Image.Cropping] ;OffsetX=0 ;OffsetY=0 ;SizeX=320 ;SizeY=240 ;Enabled=1 [IR] ; Output format. 200 - RGB888, 203 - Grayscale 16-bit (default) ;OutputFormat=203 ; Is stream mirrored. 0 - Off, 1 - On ;Mirror=1 ; 0 - QVGA (default), 1 - VGA, 2 - SXGA(1.3MP), 4 - QQVGA. -14 1280x720, 15 1280x960,-16 1280x800, -17 640x400 -20 320x200,-21 480x640, -25 960x1280, -26 800x1280,-27 400x640 Resolution=1 ; Frames per second (default is 30) ;FPS=30 ; Cropping mode. 1 - Normal (default), 2 - Increased FPS, 3 - Software only ;CroppingMode=1 ; Cropping area [IR.Cropping] ;OffsetX=0 ;OffsetY=0 ;SizeX=320 ;SizeY=240 ;Enabled=1