en_us.json 50 KB

  1. {
  2. "选择地址": "Select Address",
  3. "选择其它地址": "Select Other Address",
  4. "已选商品": "Selected Goods",
  5. "清空": "Clear",
  6. "¥": "$",
  7. "已售罄": "Sold Out",
  8. "已下架": "Take Down",
  9. "删除": "Delete",
  10. "商品券": "Product",
  11. "品类券": "Category",
  12. "通用券": "General",
  13. "优惠券": "Voucher",
  14. "满": "Full ",
  15. "元可用": " Used",
  16. "无门槛券": "No Threshold",
  17. "领取后": "Receive ",
  18. "天内可用": "Days use",
  19. "已领取": "Received",
  20. "立即领取": "Get",
  21. "购物满": "Spend",
  22. "减": "Off",
  23. "不限时": "Unlimited Time",
  24. "秒杀": "Seckill",
  25. "砍价": "Bargain",
  26. "拼团": "Group",
  27. "已售": "Sold",
  28. "立即购买": "Buy Now",
  29. "加入购物车": "Add to Cart",
  30. "选规格": "Options",
  31. "跳过": "Next",
  32. "立即体验": "Go Now",
  33. "首页": "Home",
  34. "搜索": "Search",
  35. "购物车": "Cart",
  36. "我的收藏": "Collect",
  37. "个人中心": "Mine",
  38. "券": "Vo.",
  39. "正在加载中": "Loading...",
  40. "上拉加载更多": "Pull Up Loading More",
  41. "代付金额": "Amount",
  42. "共": "A Total of ",
  43. "件商品": " Items",
  44. "订单包裹": "Order Goods",
  45. "申请退款中": "Refunding",
  46. "已退款": "Refunded",
  47. "已完成": "Completed",
  48. "件退款中": "Items Refunding",
  49. "不支持配送": "In-store only",
  50. "不支持自提": "Shipping only",
  51. "已评价": "Evaluated",
  52. "评价": "Review",
  53. "申请退款": "Refund",
  54. "查看物流": "Logistic",
  55. "确认收货": "Take Order",
  56. "选择付款方式": "Select PayType",
  57. "支付": "Pay ",
  58. "去付款": "To Pay",
  59. "请选择要支付的订单": "Select Order",
  60. "余额不足": "Insufficient balance",
  61. "支付中": "Paying...",
  62. "缺少支付参数": "Missing payment parameters",
  63. "取消支付": "Cancel Payment",
  64. "支付成功": "Payment Successful",
  65. "支付失败": "Payment Failed",
  66. "库存": "Stock ",
  67. "限量": "Limit ",
  68. "数量": "QTY",
  69. "我要参团": "Join Group",
  70. "确定": "OK",
  71. "热门推荐": "Hot Recommendation",
  72. "最高返佣": "Highest",
  73. "推广享佣金": "Promote",
  74. "立即分享": "Share Now",
  75. "发现新版本": "New Version ",
  76. "立即升级": "Upgrade",
  77. "下载进度": "Progress",
  78. "店小二": "Waiter",
  79. "暂无记录": "No Data",
  80. "正在下载海报,请稍后再试": "Downloading poster, please try again later",
  81. "海报二维码生成失败": "Failed to generate poster QR code",
  82. "倒计时": "Countdown",
  83. "天": "D",
  84. "时": "H",
  85. "分": "M",
  86. "秒": "S",
  87. "砍价成功": "Bargain Successful",
  88. "活动已结束": "Activity Stopped",
  89. "已砍至": "Cut to ",
  90. "活动进行中": "Processing...",
  91. "取消活动": "Cancel",
  92. "继续砍价": "Continue",
  93. "暂无砍价记录": "No Data",
  94. "人正在参与": "Participating",
  95. "最低": "Lowest",
  96. "参与砍价": "Bargain",
  97. "砍价列表": "Bargain List",
  98. "人查看": "View",
  99. "人分享": "Share",
  100. "人参与": "Involved",
  101. "邀请您帮忙砍价": "Invite you Help",
  102. "查看商品": "View Items",
  103. "当前": "Current ",
  104. "已砍": "Chopped ",
  105. "还剩": "Left ",
  106. "立即参与砍价": "Bargain Now",
  107. "商品暂无库存": "Out of stock",
  108. "邀请好友帮砍价": "Invite Friends Help",
  109. "已有": "Have",
  110. "位好友成功砍价": "Friends Successful",
  111. "帮好友砍一刀": "Help Friends",
  112. "好友已砍价成功": "Friends Already Successful",
  113. "我也要参与": "I will participate",
  114. "已成功帮助好友砍价": "Help Friends Success",
  115. "恭喜您砍价成功,快去支付": "Bargaining Successful ,Go Pay",
  116. "立即支付": "Pay Now",
  117. "抢更多商品": "Grab More",
  118. "砍价帮": "Bargaining Gang",
  119. "砍掉": "Cut off ",
  120. "更多": "More",
  121. "关闭": "Close",
  122. "点击加载更多": "Click to load more",
  123. "商品详情": "Details",
  124. "砍价规则": "Bargain Rules",
  125. "您已砍掉": "You have cut ",
  126. "元,听说分享次数越多砍价成功的机会越大哦": ", More times you share, the greater the chance of successful bargaining",
  127. "成功帮砍": "Successfully help cut ",
  128. "您也可以砍价低价拿哦,快去挑选心仪的商品吧": "You can also bargain and get it at a low price, go and choose your favorite products",
  129. "发送给朋友": "Send Friend",
  130. "微信好友": "Wechat Friend",
  131. "微信朋友圈": "WeChat Moments",
  132. "生成海报": "Generate poster",
  133. "砍价详情": "Bargain Details",
  134. "分享成功": "Share Successful",
  135. "分享失败": "Share Failed",
  136. "该商品每人限购": "This product is limited to purchase per person ",
  137. "您的好友": "Your friend ",
  138. "邀请您砍价": "Invite you cut ",
  139. "人团": " People",
  140. "去拼团": "Go",
  141. "拼团列表": "Group List",
  142. "类型": "Type",
  143. "累计销量": "Total Sold",
  144. "限购": "Limit ",
  145. "种规格可选": "Optional",
  146. "已拼": "Spelled ",
  147. "件": "Piece",
  148. "还差": "Only ",
  149. "人成团": " success",
  150. "去拼单": "Join",
  151. "查看更多": "More",
  152. "收起": "Put Away",
  153. "拼团玩法": "Group process",
  154. "开团/参团": "Start",
  155. "邀请好友": "Invitation",
  156. "满员发货": "Delivery",
  157. "用户评价": "Review",
  158. "好评率": "Praise Rate",
  159. "产品介绍": "Details",
  160. "单独购买": "Buy Alone",
  161. "立即开团": "Start Group",
  162. "请选择": "Selected",
  163. "商品": "Product",
  164. "详情": "Detail",
  165. "缺少参数无法查看商品": "Can't view product due to missing parameters",
  166. "参数错误": "Parameter error",
  167. "已选择": "Selected",
  168. "保存成功": "Saved Success",
  169. "保存失败": "Saved Failed",
  170. "人拼": " People Fight",
  171. "剩余": "Remaining ",
  172. "结束": "Finish",
  173. "恭喜您拼团成功": "Congratulations on your successful grouping",
  174. "人,拼团失败": "Person left, the group failed",
  175. "拼团中,还差": "In the group, there is still ",
  176. "人拼团成功": "Person left to join the group successfully",
  177. "邀请好友参团": "Invite friends to join the group",
  178. "再次开团": "Regroup",
  179. "取消开团": "Cancel",
  180. "查看订单信息": "View Order",
  181. "大家都在拼": "All Group",
  182. "更多拼团": "More",
  183. "邀请您参团": "Invite you join ",
  184. "你不是该团的成员": "You are not a member of the group",
  185. "已抢": "Robbed",
  186. "抢购中": "Grab Now",
  187. "未开始": "No Started",
  188. "已结束": "Over",
  189. "暂无商品,去看点别的吧": "No products",
  190. "即将开始": "No Started",
  191. "距秒杀结束仅剩": "Only left to end",
  192. "累计销售": "Sold",
  193. "收藏": "Collect",
  194. "保存到手机": "Save to phone",
  195. "长按图片可以保存到手机": "Long press to save to phone",
  196. "抢购详情页": "Snap purchase details page",
  197. "二维码获取失败": "Failed to get QR code",
  198. "请选择属性": "Please select a property",
  199. "提示:点击图片即可保存至手机相册": "Tip: Click on the picture to save it to the phone album",
  200. "拼团海报": "Puzzle poster",
  201. "砍价海报": "Haggling poster",
  202. "海报生成中": "The poster is being generated",
  203. "海报图片获取失败": "Failed to get poster image",
  204. "海报": "Poster",
  205. "已预定": "Booked",
  206. "预售价": "Pre-sale",
  207. "立即预定": "Book Now",
  208. "开售时间": "Sale Time",
  209. "预售活动": "Pre-sale event",
  210. "起": "Rise",
  211. "划线价": "ORP",
  212. "开通“超级会员”立省": "Open 'Super Member' to off ",
  213. "元": "$",
  214. "立即开通": "Activate now",
  215. "预售活动时间": "Pre-sale time",
  216. "预售结束后": "Ships within ",
  217. "天内发货": "Days after pre-sale ends",
  218. "活动": "Activity",
  219. "参与秒杀": "Seckill",
  220. "参与拼团": "Group",
  221. "复制口令": "Copy Goods Code",
  222. "复制成功": "Copy successfully",
  223. "推荐": "Recommended",
  224. "缺少经纬度信息无法查看地图": "Missing latitude and longitude information cannot view the map",
  225. "产品库存不足,请选择其它属性": "Insufficient product stock, please select another attribute",
  226. "立即退款": "Immediate refund",
  227. "一键改价": "Change price",
  228. "订单备注": "Order notes",
  229. "商品总价": "Total price",
  230. "原始邮费": "Old postage",
  231. "实际支付": "Actual price",
  232. "退款金额": "Refund price",
  233. "请填写备注信息": "Please fill in the remarks",
  234. "立即修改": "Edit now",
  235. "确认退款": "Confirm refund",
  236. "拒绝退款": "Refused refund",
  237. "取消": "Cancel",
  238. "订单号": "Order ID",
  239. "发货方式": "Mode",
  240. "发货类型": "Shipping type",
  241. "快递公司": "Express",
  242. "快递单号": "Number",
  243. "顺丰请输入单号 :收件人或寄件人手机号后四位": "Please enter the tracking number for SF Express: the last four digits of the recipient's or sender's mobile phone number",
  244. "例如:SF000000000000:3941": "For example: SF000000000000:3941",
  245. "电子面单": "Electronic sheet",
  246. "预览": "Preview",
  247. "寄件人姓名": "Sender Name",
  248. "填写寄件人姓名": "Fill in sender name",
  249. "寄件人电话": "Sender phone",
  250. "填写寄件人电话": "Fill in sender phone number",
  251. "寄件人地址": "Sender address",
  252. "填写寄件人地址": "Fill in sender address",
  253. "送货人": "Delivery man",
  254. "确认提交": "Submit",
  255. "发货": "Ship",
  256. "送货": "Give",
  257. "无需物流": "No need",
  258. "手动填写": "Fill in manually",
  259. "电子面单打印": "Electronic sheet",
  260. "填写快递单号": "Please fill in the courier number",
  261. "请选择电子面单": "Please select an electronic receipt",
  262. "待付款": "To Pay",
  263. "待发货": "To Ship",
  264. "待收货": "To Receive",
  265. "待评价": "To Rate",
  266. "售后": "Refund",
  267. "数据统计": "Statistics",
  268. "今日成交额": "Today Sold",
  269. "昨日成交额": "Yesterday Sold",
  270. "本月成交额": "Month Sold",
  271. "今日订单数": "Today Orders",
  272. "昨日订单数": "Yesterday Orders",
  273. "本月订单数": "Month Orders",
  274. "详细数据": "Detailed data",
  275. "日期": "Date",
  276. "订单数": "Order Count",
  277. "成交额": "Turnover",
  278. "立即核销": "Write off now",
  279. "查看": "View",
  280. "确定要核销此订单吗": "Are you sure write off this order",
  281. "确定核销": "Verify",
  282. "请输入核销码": "Please enter the verification code",
  283. "请输入正确的核销码": "Please enter the correct verification code",
  284. "查询中": "Querying",
  285. "订单": "Order",
  286. "订单未备注,点击添加备注信息": "The order has no remarks, click to add remarks",
  287. "复制": "Copy",
  288. "件商品,应支付": "Items, should pay ",
  289. "邮费": "Postage",
  290. "订单编号": "Order ID",
  291. "下单时间": "Order Time",
  292. "支付状态": "Payment Status",
  293. "已支付": "Paid",
  294. "未支付": "Unpaid",
  295. "支付方式": "Pay method",
  296. "买家留言": "Buyer MSG",
  297. "支付金额": "Pay Amount",
  298. "优惠券抵扣": "Coupon deduction",
  299. "运费": "Fare",
  300. "实付款": "Real Amount",
  301. "配送方式": "Delivery Method",
  302. "快递": "Express",
  303. "送货人电话": "Courier phone",
  304. "确认付款": "Confirm Pay",
  305. "去发货": "To Ship",
  306. "改价成功": "Price changed successfully",
  307. "改价失败": "Price change failed",
  308. "请输入备注": "Please enter a note",
  309. "退款中": "Refunding",
  310. "部分退款中": "Partial refund",
  311. "件商品,实付款": "Goods, paid in",
  312. "同意退货": "Agree return",
  313. "待用户发货": "No Shipped",
  314. "请输入正确的金额": "Please enter the correct amount",
  315. "今天": "Today",
  316. "昨天": "Yesterday",
  317. "最近7天": "Last 7 days",
  318. "本月": "Month",
  319. "自定义": "Customize",
  320. "营业额(元)": "Turnover",
  321. "订单量(份)": "Quantity",
  322. "增长率": "Up rate",
  323. "增长": "Increase",
  324. "单位": "Unit",
  325. "元.": "Yuan",
  326. "分.": "Cents",
  327. "固定": "Fixed",
  328. "指定范围": "Scope",
  329. "提交时间": "Submit Time",
  330. "原因": "Reason",
  331. "暂无申请记录,快去申请吧!": "No application records yet, apply now!",
  332. "没有更多啦": "No more",
  333. "待审核": "Pending review",
  334. "审核通过": "Review passed",
  335. "审核未通过": "Review failed",
  336. "编辑": "Edit",
  337. "重新提交": "Resubmit",
  338. "会员优惠价": "VIP discount",
  339. "余额支付": "Balance pay",
  340. "可用余额": "Balance ",
  341. "微信支付": "WeChat Pay",
  342. "确认": "Confirm",
  343. "支付提醒": "Payment reminder",
  344. "线下支付已关闭,请点击确认按钮返回主页": "Offline payment has been closed, please click the confirm button to return to the home page",
  345. "请输入支付金额": "Please enter payment amount",
  346. "正在确认": "Confirming",
  347. "进入商城": "Enter mall",
  348. "代理商名称": "Agency Name",
  349. "请输入代理商名称": "Please Enter Agency Name",
  350. "用户姓名": "Your name",
  351. "请输入姓名": "Please Enter Your Name",
  352. "联系电话": "Your Phone",
  353. "请输入手机号": "Please enter phone number",
  354. "验证码": "OTP Code",
  355. "填写验证码": "Fill in OTP Code",
  356. "邀请码": "Invite code",
  357. "请输入代理商邀请码": "Enter Invite Code",
  358. "请上传营业执照及行业相关资质证明图片": "Please upload pictures of business license and industry-related qualification certificates",
  359. "图片最多可上传10张,图片格式支持JPG、PNG、JPEG": "Up to 10 pictures can be uploaded, and the picture format supports JPG, PNG, JPEG",
  360. "上传图片": "Upload",
  361. "已阅读并同意": "Read & Agree",
  362. "代理商协议": "Agency Agreement",
  363. "提交申请": "Submit Apply",
  364. "代理商入驻协议": "Agent Agreement",
  365. "恭喜,您的资料提交成功!": "Congratulations, Submitted successfully!",
  366. "返回首页": "Back home",
  367. "恭喜,您的资料通过审核!": "Congratulations, Review passed!",
  368. "您的申请未通过!": "Your application was rejected!",
  369. "重新申请": "Re-apply",
  370. "获取验证码": "Get OTP Code",
  371. "请输入正确的手机号码": "Please enter the correct phone number",
  372. "重新获取": "Reacquire",
  373. "请上传营业执照": "Please upload business license",
  374. "请勾选并同意入驻协议": "Please tick and agree to the Occupation Agreement",
  375. "专题栏": "Topic column",
  376. "暂无数据": "No Data",
  377. "请输入卡号": "Please enter the card number",
  378. "请输入卡密": "Please enter your password",
  379. "确认激活": "Confirm",
  380. "SVIP会员尊享权": "SVIP member privileges",
  381. "正在激活": "Activating",
  382. "已使用": "Used",
  383. "永久SVIP会员": "Permanent SVIP member",
  384. "SVIP会员": "SVIP member",
  385. "到期": "maturity",
  386. "您与": "You with",
  387. "商城的第": "Mall",
  388. "天.": " Days.",
  389. "已累积为您节省": "Accumulated savings for you",
  390. "开通即享会员权益": "Enjoy member benefits",
  391. "续费会员": "Renewal",
  392. "开通会员": "Join SVIP",
  393. "有效期至": "Valid until ",
  394. "试用": "Try out",
  395. "购买即视为同意": "Purchase as consent ",
  396. "会员用户协议": "SVIP Agreement",
  397. "点击兑换卡密": "Click to redeem card",
  398. "会员优惠券": "SVIP Coupon",
  399. "SVIP商品推荐": "SVIP Recommends",
  400. "商城价": "Mall price",
  401. "激活会员卡": "Activate Card",
  402. "支付宝支付": "Alipay",
  403. "成功开启0元试用": "Successfully opened 0 yuan trial",
  404. "确认绑定": "Confirm binding",
  405. "绑定成功": "Binding succeeded",
  406. "商城客服已离线": "Customer service is offline",
  407. "我要反馈": "I want feedback",
  408. "请填写内容": "Please fill content",
  409. "提交": "Submit",
  410. "精品推荐": "Recommended",
  411. "热门榜单": "Popular",
  412. "首发新品": "New",
  413. "促销单品": "Promotional",
  414. "预告": "Notice",
  415. "回放": "Playback",
  416. "进行中": "Processing",
  417. "发送客服": "Send",
  418. "客服连接中": "Customer service is connecting",
  419. "连接失败": "Connection failed",
  420. "提示": "Hint",
  421. "客服已下线,是否需要反馈?": "Customer service is offline, do you need feedback?",
  422. "和好友一起分享": "Share with friends",
  423. "积分抵扣": "Points deduction",
  424. "已开票": "Billed",
  425. "未开票": "Not invoiced",
  426. "发票信息": "Invoice Info",
  427. "发票抬头": "Invoice",
  428. "发票抬头类型": "Invoice Header Type",
  429. "个人": "PER ",
  430. "企业": "COM ",
  431. "发票类型": "Invoice type",
  432. "电子普通发票": "Electronic General Invoice",
  433. "电子专用发票": "Electronic special invoice",
  434. "企业税号": "Enterprise tax",
  435. "联系信息": "Contact Info",
  436. "真实姓名": "Real Name",
  437. "联系邮箱": "Email",
  438. "抬头选择": "Head Selection",
  439. "默认": "Default",
  440. "普通": "Ordinary ",
  441. "专用": "Dedicated ",
  442. "您还没有添加发票信息哟": "You have not added invoice information",
  443. "添加新的抬头": "Add New Header",
  444. "不开发票": "No invoice",
  445. "抽奖": "Lottery",
  446. "全选": "Select All",
  447. "属性": "Attributes",
  448. "请填写具体地址": "Please fill in the specific address",
  449. "省": "Province",
  450. "市": "City",
  451. "区": "Area",
  452. "添加成功": "Add successfully",
  453. "您已拒绝导入微信地址权限": "You have denied permission to import WeChat addresses",
  454. "是否进入权限管理,调整授权?": "Do you enter the permission management and adjust the authorization?",
  455. "已取消": "Cancelled",
  456. "添加失败": "Add failed",
  457. "请填写收货人姓名": "Please fill in the consignee's name",
  458. "请选择所在地区": "Please select your region",
  459. "请填写详细地址": "Please fill in the detailed address",
  460. "星": "Star",
  461. "商品满足你的期待么?说说你的想法,分享给想买的他们吧": "Does the product meet your expectations? Tell us what you think and share it with those who want to buy it",
  462. "立即评价": "Rate Now",
  463. "商品质量": "Product quality",
  464. "服务态度": "Service attitude",
  465. "缺少参数": "Missing parameters",
  466. "请填写你对宝贝的心得": "Please fill in your opinion on the product",
  467. "正在发布评论": "Posting comment",
  468. "感谢您的评价": "Thanks for your review",
  469. "评价完成": "Review completed",
  470. "恭喜您": "Congratulations",
  471. "获得": "Get",
  472. "机会": "Chance",
  473. "领取成功": "Received successfully",
  474. "评分": "Score",
  475. "全部": "ALL",
  476. "好评": "Praise",
  477. "中评": "Average",
  478. "差评": "Bad",
  479. "加载更多": "Loading more",
  480. "千米距离": "Distance",
  481. "搜索商品名称": "Search Product",
  482. "价格": "Price",
  483. "销量": "Sold",
  484. "新品": "New",
  485. "已全部加载": "All loaded",
  486. "缺少订单号": "Missing order ID",
  487. "退货件数": "Refunded Number",
  488. "退款类型": "Refund Type",
  489. "退款原因": "Refund Reason",
  490. "备注说明": "Remark",
  491. "填写备注信息,100字以内": "Remarks within 100 words",
  492. "仅退款": "Only refund",
  493. "退货并退款": "Return and refund",
  494. "申请成功": "Apply Successful",
  495. "请先选择退货商品": "Please select the return item first",
  496. "搜索历史": "Search history",
  497. "热门搜索": "Hot Search",
  498. "请输入要搜索的商品": "Please enter the product you want to search",
  499. "正在搜索中": "Searching",
  500. "中奖记录": "Winning record",
  501. "我的奖品": "My prize",
  502. "活动规则": "Activity rule",
  503. "昵称": "Nick name",
  504. "序号": "Serial",
  505. "奖品名称": "Prize name",
  506. "获奖时间": "Winning time",
  507. "商家暂未上架活动哦": "Merchant has not listed the event yet",
  508. "获取抽奖信息": "Get Sweepstakes Information",
  509. "奖品类型": "Prize Type",
  510. "立即兑换": "Redeem now",
  511. "兑换时间": "Exchange time",
  512. "暂无中奖记录": "No winning record",
  513. "积分": "Point",
  514. "余额": "Balance",
  515. "红包": "Cash",
  516. "设置收货地址": "Set shipping address",
  517. "暂无门店信息": "No store information",
  518. "剩余积分": "Remaining points ",
  519. "当前积分": "Current points ",
  520. "开具发票": "Invoice",
  521. "请填写": "Please fill ",
  522. "配送运费": "Shipping fee",
  523. "会员商品优惠": "Product Offers",
  524. "会员运费优惠": "Shipping Offers",
  525. "合计": "Total",
  526. "使用微信快捷支付": "WeChat quick payment",
  527. "使用支付宝支付": "Pay with Alipay",
  528. "线下支付": "Offline payments",
  529. "使用线下付款": "Use offline payment",
  530. "好友代付": "Friend pays",
  531. "找微信好友支付": "Find friends to pay",
  532. "立即使用": "Use",
  533. "请选择要购买的商品": "Please select an item to purchase",
  534. "发票": "Invoice",
  535. "不使用": "Don't use",
  536. "订单创建成功": "Order Created successfully",
  537. "请选择支付方式": "Please select the payment method",
  538. "请选择收货地址": "Please select delivery address",
  539. "请填写联系人或联系人电话": "Please fill in the contact person or contact phone number",
  540. "暂无门店,请选择其他方式": "No store currently, please choose another way",
  541. "请输入": "Please enter ",
  542. "请输入正确的": "Please enter the correct ",
  543. "请上传": "Please upload ",
  544. "订单支付中": "Paying",
  545. "请按以上退货信息将商品退回": "Please return the item with information",
  546. "请联系管理员获取退货地址": "Please contact the administrator for the return address",
  547. "待核销": "Written off",
  548. "核销信息": "Write-off info",
  549. "营业时间": "Business hours",
  550. "每日": "Daily",
  551. "使用说明": "Use Instructions",
  552. "可将二维码出示给店员扫描或提供数字核销码": "The QR code can be presented to the clerk to scan or provide a digital verification code",
  553. "可将二维码出示给配送员进行核销": "The QR code can be presented to the courier for verification",
  554. "查看位置": "View location",
  555. "拒绝原因": "Denial Reason",
  556. "联系客服": "Contact",
  557. "商家备注": "Merchant Notes",
  558. "收货人": "Receiver",
  559. "收货地址": "Ship address",
  560. "配送人姓名": "Ship name",
  561. "拨打": "Call",
  562. "虚拟发货": "Virtual Ship",
  563. "已发货,请注意查收": "Shipped, please check",
  564. "虚拟备注": "Virtual Notes",
  565. "总代付": "Total Amount",
  566. "申请开票": "Apply Invoice",
  567. "查看发票": "View Invoice",
  568. "取消订单": "Cancel",
  569. "立即付款": "Pay",
  570. "批量退款": "Bulk refund",
  571. "查看拼团": "View group",
  572. "再次购买": "Buy again",
  573. "取消申请": "Cancel Apply",
  574. "填写退货信息": "Return info",
  575. "查看退货物流": "Logistic",
  576. "您确认放弃此次申请吗": "Are you sure you want to abandon this application",
  577. "操作成功": "Successful operation",
  578. "订单信息不存在": "Order information does not exist",
  579. "为保障权益,请收到货确认无误后,再确认收货": "In order to protect the rights and interests, please confirm the receipt of the goods after confirming that the goods are correct.",
  580. "删除订单": "Delete order",
  581. "确定删除该订单": "Confirm delete order",
  582. "删除成功": "Successfully deleted",
  583. "确认取消该订单": "Confirm cancel order",
  584. "订单信息": "Order info",
  585. "消费订单": "Order",
  586. "总消费": "Total Amount",
  587. "预售": "Pre-sale",
  588. "线下付款,未支付": "Offline unpaid",
  589. "未核销": "Not written off",
  590. "件商品,总金额": " items, total amount ",
  591. "查看详情": "View",
  592. "暂无订单": "No order yet",
  593. "缺少订单号无法取消订单": "Can't cancel order without order number",
  594. "订单支付成功": "Order paid successfully",
  595. "订单支付失败": "Order paid failed",
  596. "暂未支付": "Not yet paid",
  597. "失败原因": "failed Reason",
  598. "重新购买": "Repurchase",
  599. "重新支付": "Pay again",
  600. "赠送优惠券": "Give away coupons",
  601. "有效期": "Validity",
  602. "缺少参数无法查看订单支付状态": "Missing parameters cannot view order payment status",
  603. "最多可上传3张": "Up to 3 uploads",
  604. "请选择产品": "Please select a product",
  605. "该产品没有更多库存了": "There is no more stock for this product",
  606. "优品推荐": "Best Recommendation",
  607. "暂无产品": "No products yet",
  608. "重新选择": "Reselect",
  609. "请选择数量": "Please select quantity",
  611. "立即砍价": "Cut Now",
  612. "拼团活动": "Group",
  613. "人拼团成功.": "People succeeded",
  614. "人参团": " Ginseng group",
  615. "拼团价": "Group price",
  616. "已过期": "Expired",
  617. "关注": "Follow",
  618. "推荐好货": "Recommend Goods",
  619. "暂无商品": "No products yet",
  620. "限时秒杀": "Seckill",
  621. "抢": "Ro",
  622. "广告位": "ADV space",
  623. "精彩内容": "Highlights",
  624. "砍价模块,暂无数据": "Bargain module, no data yet",
  625. "砍价活动": "Bargain",
  626. "呼朋唤友来砍价": "Call friends Bargain",
  627. "拼团模块,暂无数据": "Group module, no data yet",
  628. "享超值开团价": "Enjoy value-for-money group rates",
  629. "优惠券,暂无数据": "Coupon, no data temporarily",
  630. "领取今日好券": "Get today's good coupon",
  631. "可用": " Used",
  632. "领取": "Claim",
  633. "客服": "Service",
  634. "商品列表,暂无数据": "No data temporarily",
  635. "搜索商品": "Search Product",
  636. "暂无图片,请上传图片": "No pictures, please upload",
  637. "首发新品,暂无数据": "First new product, no data yet",
  638. "多个优质商品最新上架": "The latest high-quality goods on the shelves",
  639. "暂无新闻,请上传新闻": "No news, please upload the news",
  640. "热度 TOP": "Heat TOP",
  641. "排行榜、暂无数据": "Leaderboard, no data temporarily",
  642. "促销单品,暂无数据": "Promotional items, no data temporarily",
  643. "库存商品优惠促销活动": "Promotional activities for goods in stock",
  644. "精品推荐,暂无数据": "Boutique recommendation, no data yet",
  645. "上百种商品分类任您选择": "Hundreds of product categories for you to choose from",
  646. "秒杀模块,暂无数据": "Seckill module, no data temporarily",
  647. "场": "Site",
  648. "暂无数据,请设置": "No data, please set",
  649. "暂无数据,请先添加分类": "No data, please add classification first",
  650. "暂无标题": "No title temporarily",
  651. "诚意推荐品质商品": "Recommend quality goods in good faith",
  652. "点击“立即关注”即可关注公众号": "Click“follow now”to follow official account",
  653. "立即关注": "Follow now",
  654. "添加到我的小程序, 微信首页下拉即可访问商城。": "Add it to my applet, and you can access the mall by pulling down the wechat homepage",
  655. "点击": "Click",
  656. "服务协议与隐私政策": "Service agreement and privacy policy",
  657. "请务必审慎阅读、充分理解“服务协议与 隐私政策”各条款,包括但不限于:为了 向你提供即时通讯、内容分享等服务,我 们需要收集你的设备信息、操作日志等个 人信息。你可以在“设置”中查看、变更、删除个人信息并管理你的授权。": "Please be sure to carefully read and fully understand the terms of the service agreement and privacy policy, including but not limited to: in order to provide you with instant messaging, content sharing and other services, we need to collect your device information, operation logs and other personal information. You can view, change, delete personal information and manage your authorization in Settings",
  658. "你可以阅读": "You can read",
  659. "《服务协议与隐私政策》": "《Service agreement and privacy policy》",
  660. "了解详细信息。如你同意,请点击“我同意”开始接受我们的服务。": "Learn more. If you agree, please click I agree to start accepting our services",
  661. "我同意": "I agree",
  662. "残忍拒绝": "Cruel rejection",
  663. "下拉加载更多": "Pull down load more",
  664. "网络连接断开": "Network connection disconnected",
  665. "请检查情况:": "Please check the condition:",
  666. "在设置中是否已开启网络权限": "Whether network permission is enabled in settings",
  667. "当前是否处于弱网环境": "Currently in a weak network environment",
  668. "版本是否过低,升级试试吧": "Whether the version is too low, try upgrading",
  669. "重新连接": "Reconnect",
  670. "加载中": "Loading",
  671. "没有更多内容啦~": "No more content~",
  672. "100%正品保证": "100% genuine",
  673. "所有商品精挑细选": "Be very choosy",
  674. "售后无忧": "Worry free after Sold",
  675. "管理": "Manage",
  676. "购物数量": "Shopping quantity",
  677. "请重新选择商品规格": "Please reselect the product specification",
  678. "重选": "Reselection",
  679. "失效商品": "Invalid goods",
  680. "失效": "Failure",
  681. "该商品已失效": "The commodity has expired",
  682. "立即下单": "Order now",
  683. "我也是有底线的": "I also have a bottom line",
  684. "产品库存不足,请选择其它": "Insufficient product inventory, please select other",
  685. "添加购物车成功": "Successfully added shopping cart",
  686. "清除成功": "Cleanup succeeded",
  687. "暂无兑换记录~": "No exchange record~",
  688. "大家都在换": "Everyone is changing",
  689. "人兑换": " Person exchange",
  690. "轻松赚积分": "Earn points easily",
  691. "购买商品": "Purchase goods",
  692. "购买商品可获得积分奖励": "Points reward for purchasing goods",
  693. "去完成": "Go",
  694. "每日签到活动": "Daily check-in activities",
  695. "每日签到可获得积分奖励": "Daily check-in can get points reward",
  696. "九宫格抽奖活动": "Jiugongge lottery",
  697. "幸运抽奖可获得积分奖励": "Lucky draw can get points reward",
  698. "我的积分": "My points",
  699. "每日签到": "Daily sign in",
  700. "积分抽奖": "Points lottery",
  701. "兑换记录": "Exchange record",
  702. "已兑换": "Redeemed",
  703. "无法兑换": "Cannot redeem",
  704. "[默认]": "[Default]",
  705. "可用积分": "Available points",
  706. "快递费用": "Express fee",
  707. "免运费": "Freight free",
  708. "备注信息": "Remarks",
  709. "请添加备注(150字以内)": "Please add remarks (within 150 words)",
  710. "使用线上支付宝支付": "Pay with online Alipay",
  711. "可用余额:": "Balance:",
  712. "选择线下付款方式": "Select offline payment method",
  713. "正在加载…": "Loading…",
  714. "可用积分不足!": "Insufficient points available!",
  715. "订单状态": "Order status",
  716. "支付积分": "Pay points",
  717. "备注": "Remarks",
  718. "配送核销码": "Delivery verification code",
  719. "当前可用余额:": "Current available balance:",
  720. "正在加载": "Loading",
  721. "缺少经纬度信息无法查看地图!": "The map cannot be viewed without longitude and latitude information!",
  722. "商品兑换成功": "Successfully redeemed",
  723. "兑换方式": "Exchange method",
  724. "积分兑换": "Point exchange",
  725. "兑换积分": "Redeem points",
  726. "取消兑换": "Cancel exchange",
  727. "缺少参数无法查看订单兑换状态": "Order exchange status cannot be viewed without parameters",
  728. "用户离开了": "The user left",
  729. "兑换成功": "Successfully redeemed",
  730. "物流公司": "Logistics company",
  731. "复制单号": "Copy doc no",
  732. "设为默认": "Set as default",
  733. "添加新地址": "Add new address",
  734. "导入微信地址": "Import wechat address",
  735. "取消选择": "Deselect",
  736. "您设置的默认地址不存在!": "The default address you set does not exist!",
  737. "设置成功": "Setting succeeded",
  738. "您删除的地址不存在!": "The address you deleted does not exist!",
  739. "获取头像": "Get Avatar",
  740. "请点击授权": "Please click authorize",
  741. "绑定手机号": "Bind mobile number",
  742. "永久": "Permanent",
  743. "会员到期": "Membership expiration",
  744. "未开通会员": "Not open member",
  745. "查看会员权益": "View membership benefits",
  746. "立即续费": "Renew",
  747. "立即激活": "Activation",
  748. "会员可享多项权益": "Enjoy multiple benefits",
  749. "订单中心": "My order",
  750. "我的服务": "My service",
  751. "隐私协议": "Privacy",
  752. "商家管理": "Business management",
  753. "更新用户信息成功": "Successfully updated user information",
  754. "客服接待": "Reception",
  755. "点击复制网址去浏览器中打开": "Click Copy URL to open in the browser",
  756. "点击复制": "Click Copy",
  757. "完成支付": "Complete payment",
  758. "点击右上角": "Click the upper right corner",
  759. "选择 在浏览器 打开,去支付宝支付": "Select to open in the browser and pay through Alipay",
  760. "支付订单不存在,页面将在2秒后自动关闭!": "The payment order does not exist, and the page will close automatically in 2 seconds! ",
  761. "正在支付中": "Paying",
  762. "支付订单不存在,页面将在2秒后自动关闭": "The payment order does not exist, and the page will close automatically in 2 seconds",
  763. "复制失败": "Replication failed",
  764. "您目前的排名": "Your current ranking",
  765. "您目前暂无排名": "You currently ranking",
  766. "暂无排名~": "No ranking ~",
  767. "输入手机号": "Enter mobile number",
  768. "输入验证码": "Enter verification code",
  769. "立即登录": "Log in now",
  770. "请填写手机号码": "Please fill in your mobile number",
  771. "请填写验证码": "Please fill in the verification code",
  772. "请输入正确的验证码": "Please enter the correct verification code",
  773. "正在登录中": "Logging in",
  774. "登录成功": "Login succeeded",
  775. "获取授权": "Obtaining authorization",
  776. "获取微信的手机号授权": "Obtain wechat mobile number authorization",
  777. "获取微信手机号": "Get wechat mobile numbe",
  778. "输入手机号码": "Enter mobile number",
  779. "填写登录密码": "Fill in login password",
  780. "登录": "Login",
  781. "快速登录": "Quick login",
  782. "账号登录": "Account login",
  783. "其他方式登录": "Login by other methods",
  784. "登录中": "Logging in",
  785. "获取用户信息失败": "Failed to obtain user information",
  786. "请绑定手机号后,继续操作": "Please bind your mobile number and continue operation",
  787. "错误信息": "Error information",
  788. "用户点击确定": "User click OK",
  789. "用户点击取消": "User click Cancel",
  790. "登录失败": "Login failure",
  791. "请勿重复点击": "Do not click repeatedly",
  792. "请填写密码": "Please fill in the password",
  793. "您输入的密码过于简单": "The password you entered is too simple",
  794. "请填写账号": "Please fill in the account number",
  795. "请输入正确的账号": "Please enter the correct account number",
  796. "[图片]": "[Picture]",
  797. "[语音]": "[Voice]",
  798. "[商品]": "[Product]",
  799. "[订单]": "[Order]",
  800. "亲、暂无消息记录哟!": "Dear, no message record yet!",
  801. "站内消息": "In station message",
  802. "客服消息": "Customer service message",
  803. "通知于": "Notified on ",
  804. "获取详情中": "Get details",
  805. "代付订单创建成功,发给好友帮你付款吧~": "Payment order created successfully, send it to your friend to help you pay ~",
  806. "帮我付一下这件商品了,谢谢~": "Help me pay for this commodity, thank you ~",
  807. "已经有人替我代付,谢谢啦~": "Someone has paid for me, thank you ~",
  808. "谢谢你帮我支付,么么哒~": "Thank you for helping me pay, Moda ~",
  809. "我已为你代付成功,商家正在努力发货中~": "I have successfully paid for you, and the merchant is trying to deliver ~",
  810. "好友代付成功,商家正在努力发货中~": "Friend payment succeeded, and the merchant is trying to deliver ~",
  811. "发送给微信好友": "Send to wechat friends",
  812. "查看订单详情": "View order details",
  813. "订单已支付": "Order paid",
  814. "如果订单申请退款,已支付金额将原路退还给您": "If the order applies for a refund, the paid amount will be returned to you in the same way",
  815. "代付成功": "Payment succeeded",
  816. "谢谢你为我付款,还可以再去看看其他商品哟~": "Thank you for paying for me, and you can go to see other goods ~",
  817. "该订单暂未支付": "The order has not been paid yet",
  818. "人": " Person",
  819. "推广人数": "Number of promoters",
  820. "一级": "Level 1",
  821. "二级": "Level 2",
  822. "点击搜索会员名称": "Click to search member name",
  823. "团队排序": "Team sorting",
  824. "金额排序": "Amount sorting",
  825. "订单排序": "Order sorting",
  826. "单": " Orders",
  827. "加入时间": "Joining time",
  828. "累积推广订单": "Order count",
  829. "本月累计推广订单": "Month Orders",
  830. "返佣": "Rebate",
  831. "暂未返佣": "Not Rebate",
  832. "返佣时间": "Rebate time",
  833. "单号": "Order number",
  834. "暂无推广订单~": "No promotion order ~",
  835. "推广订单列表": "Promotion order list",
  836. "找回密码": "Retrieve password",
  837. "填写您的新密码": "Fill in your new password",
  838. "加载失败": "Load failure",
  839. "点击授权登录您的客服工作台": "Click authorize to log in to your customer service workbench",
  840. "授权登录": "Authorized login",
  841. "没有登录的code,请重新扫码": "Code without login, please scan the code again",
  842. "员工人数": "Number of employees",
  843. "邀请": "Invitation",
  844. "分佣比例": "Scale",
  845. "修改分佣比例": "Modify proportion",
  846. "请输入百分比": "Please enter percentage",
  847. "删除员工": "Delete employee",
  848. "确定删除该员工?": "Are you sure to delete this employee?",
  849. "请输入比例": "Please enter a scale",
  850. "分类": "Class",
  851. "我的": "Mine",
  852. "姓名": "Name",
  853. "请输入联系电话": "Please enter the contact number",
  854. "所在地区": "Location",
  855. "详细地址": "Address",
  856. "设置为默认地址": "Set as default address",
  857. "立即保存": "Save now",
  858. "浙江省": "Zhejiang",
  859. "杭州市": "Hangzhou",
  860. "滨江区": "Binjiang District",
  861. "广东省": "Guangdong Province",
  862. "广州市": "Guangzhou",
  863. "番禺区": "Panyu",
  864. "修改地址": "Modify address",
  865. "添加地址": "Add address",
  866. "已取消!": "Canceled!",
  867. "请填写联系电话": "Please fill in the contact number",
  868. "保存中": "Saving",
  869. "修改成功": "Modification succeeded",
  870. "消费": "Consumption",
  871. "充值": "Recharge",
  872. "暂无账单的记录哦~": "No record of bill temporarily~",
  873. "点击【立即注销】即代表您已经同意《用户注销协议》": "Clicking [immediate logout] means that you have agreed to the user logout agreement",
  874. "立即注销": "Log off now",
  875. "是否确认注销": "Confirm logout",
  876. "注销后无法恢复,请谨慎操作": "Cannot recover after logout, please be careful",
  877. "注销": "Logout",
  878. "持卡人": "Cardholder",
  879. "请输入持卡人姓名": "Enter cardholder name",
  880. "卡号": "Card number",
  881. "请填写卡号": "Please fill in the card number",
  882. "银行": "Bank",
  883. "提现": "Withdrawal",
  884. "最低提现金额": "Minimum withdrawal amount",
  885. "当前可提现金额": "Current withdrawable amount",
  886. "冻结佣金": "Frozen Commission",
  887. "说明: 每笔佣金的冻结期为": "Note: the freezing period of each commission is",
  888. "天,到期后可提现": "Days, withdrawable upon expiration",
  889. "账号": "Account",
  890. "请填写您的微信账号": "Fill in your wechat account",
  891. "收款码": "Collection code",
  892. "请填写您的支付宝账号": "Fill in your Alipay account number",
  893. "请选择银行": "Please select a bank",
  894. "银行卡": "Bank card",
  895. "微信": "Wechat",
  896. "支付宝": "Alipay",
  897. "请填写持卡人姓名": "Please fill in the name of the cardholder ",
  898. "请填写微信号": "Please fill in the wechat",
  899. "请填写提现金额": "Please fill in the withdrawal amount",
  900. "提现金额不能低于": "Withdrawal amount cannot be less than",
  901. "未使用": "Not used",
  902. "已使用/过期": "Used/expired",
  903. "通用劵": "General securities",
  904. "一级分佣上浮": "One level up",
  905. "二级分佣上浮": "Secondary floating",
  906. "快速升级技巧": "Quick upgrade skills",
  907. "未完成": "Incomplete",
  908. "已领完": "Collected",
  909. "当前共": "Current total",
  910. "取关": "Off ",
  911. "请选择商品": "Please select a product",
  912. "头像": "Avatar",
  913. "手机号码": "Mobile number",
  914. "点击绑定手机号": "Click to bind",
  915. "ID号": "ID number",
  916. "权限设置": "Permission",
  917. "点击管理": "Management",
  918. "密码": "Password",
  919. "点击修改密码": "Click Modify",
  920. "更换手机号码": "Change number",
  921. "点击更换手机号码": "Click to",
  922. "缓存大小": "Cache size",
  923. "当前版本": "Current version",
  924. "地址管理": "Address",
  925. "发票管理": "Invoice",
  926. "账号注销": "Cancellation",
  927. "注销后无法恢复": "Cannot recover",
  928. "累计积分": "Accumulated points",
  929. "累计消费": "Consumption",
  930. "冻结积分": "Freezing points",
  931. "积分规则": "Integral rule",
  932. "提示:积分数值的高低会直接影响您的会员等级": "Tip: the value your membership level",
  933. "提示:你有": "Tip: you have",
  934. "积分在": "Integral in",
  935. "过期,请尽快使用": "Expired, please use it as soon as possible",
  936. "暂无积分记录哦~": "No score record temporarily~",
  937. "赚积分": "Earn points",
  938. "分值明细": "Score details",
  939. "分值提升": "Score increase",
  940. "抬头类型": "Header type",
  941. "增值税电子专用发票": "VAT electronic special invoice",
  942. "增值税电子普通发票": "Electronic ordinary VAT invoice",
  943. "需要开具发票的姓名": "Name to be invoiced",
  944. "需要开具发票的企业名称": "Name of enterprise to issue invoice",
  945. "税号": "Tax number",
  946. "纳税人识别号": "Taxpayer identification number",
  947. "手机号": "Mobile number",
  948. "您的手机号": "Your mobile number",
  949. "邮箱": "Mailbox",
  950. "您的联系邮箱": "Your contact mailbox",
  951. "开户银行": "Deposit bank",
  952. "您的开户银行": "Your deposit bank",
  953. "银行账号": "Bank account number",
  954. "您的银行账号": "Your bank account number",
  955. "企业地址": "Enterprise address",
  956. "您所在的企业地址": "Your business address",
  957. "企业电话": "Enterprise telephone",
  958. "您的企业电话": "Your business phone",
  959. "设置为默认抬头": "Set as default header",
  960. "保存": "Save",
  961. "发票类型选择": "Invoice type selection",
  962. "纸质发票开出后将以邮寄形式交付": "After the paper invoice is issued, it will be delivered by mail",
  963. "请输入需要开具发票的姓名": "Please enter the name to be invoiced",
  964. "请输入您的手机号": "Please enter your mobile number",
  965. "请正确输入您的手机号": "Please input your mobile number correctly",
  966. "请输入您的联系邮箱": "Please enter your contact email",
  967. "请正确输入您的联系邮箱": "Please input your contact email correctly",
  968. "请输入需要开具发票的企业名称": "Please enter the name of the enterprise to issue invoice",
  969. "请输入纳税人识别号": "Please enter taxpayer identification number",
  970. "请正确输入纳税人识别号": "Please input the taxpayer identification number correctly",
  971. "请输入您的开户银行": "Please enter your deposit bank",
  972. "请输入您的银行账号": "Please enter your bank account number",
  973. "请正确输入您的银行账号": "Please enter your bank account number correctly",
  974. "请输入您所在的企业地址": "Please enter your business address",
  975. "请输入您的企业电话": "Please enter your business phone",
  976. "发票记录": "Invoice record",
  977. "抬头管理": "Header management",
  978. "申请时间": "Appli time",
  979. "没有发票信息哟~": "No invoice information ~",
  980. "个人普通发票": "Personal ordinary invoice",
  981. "企业普通发票": "Enterprise ordinary invoice",
  982. "企业专用发票": "Enterprise special invoice",
  983. "添加新发票": "Add new invoice",
  984. "删除该发票?": "Delete this invoice?",
  985. "发票编号": "Invoice number",
  986. "发票备注": "Invoice remarks",
  987. "快递号": "Express number",
  988. "总资产(元)": "Total assets ($)",
  989. "累计充值(元)": "Co recharge ($)",
  990. "累计消费(元)": "Co flower ($)",
  991. "账单记录": "Bill record",
  992. "消费记录": "Record",
  993. "充值记录": "Recharge",
  994. "积分中心": "Integral",
  995. "签到领积分": "Sign in",
  996. "赚积分抵现金": "Earn points",
  997. "领取优惠券": "Coupons",
  998. "满减享优惠": "Full discount",
  999. "最新拼团活动": "Latest group activity",
  1000. "最新的优惠商品上架拼团": "The latest preferential goods on the shelf",
  1001. "立即参与": "Participate",
  1002. "当前限时秒杀": "Current time limit second kill",
  1003. "最新商品秒杀进行中": "Latest commodity spike in progress",
  1004. "我的余额": "Balance",
  1005. "赠送": "Gift",
  1006. "其他": "Other",
  1007. "注意事项": "Precautions",
  1008. "冻结佣金为": "Frozen Commission is",
  1009. "立即转入": "Immediate transfer in",
  1010. "立即充值": "Recharge immediately",
  1011. "请输入金额": "Please enter amount",
  1012. "转入余额": "Transfer in balance",
  1013. "转入余额后无法再次转出,确认是否转入余额": "Cannot transfer out again after transferring in balance, confirm whether to transfer in balance",
  1014. "转入成功": "Transfer in succeeded",
  1015. "正在支付": "Paying",
  1016. "充值金额必须为数字": "The recharge amount must be a number",
  1017. "充值金额不能为0": "Recharge amount cannot be 0",
  1018. "填写手机号码": "Fill in mobile phone number",
  1019. "是否绑定账号": "Bind account",
  1020. "绑定": "Binding",
  1021. "您已取消绑定!": "You have unbound!",
  1022. "当前手机号": "Current mobile number",
  1023. "设置新密码": "Set new password",
  1024. "确认新密码": "Confirm new password",
  1025. "手机号码不存在,无法发送验证码!": "Mobile phone number does not exist, unable to send verification code!",
  1026. "请输入新密码": "Please enter a new password",
  1027. "两次输入的密码不一致!": "The two passwords you entered are inconsistent!",
  1028. "请输入验证码": "Please enter a verification code",
  1029. "暂无退款订单~": "No refund order ~",
  1030. "缺少订单号无法查看订单详情": "The order number is missing, and the order details cannot be viewed",
  1031. "明细": "Detas",
  1032. "第七天": "Day 7",
  1033. "第7天": "Day 7",
  1034. "奖励": "Reward",
  1035. "已签到": "Checked in",
  1036. "立即签到": "Sign in now",
  1037. "已累计签到": "Cumulative check-in",
  1038. "据说连续签到第": "The second consecutive sign in",
  1039. "天可获得超额积分,一定要坚持签到哦~~~": "If you can get excess points every day, you must insist on signing in~~~",
  1040. "签到成功": "Check in succeeded",
  1041. "好的": "OK",
  1042. "您今日已签到!": "You have signed in today! ",
  1043. "暂无签到记录~": "No sign in record~",
  1044. "保存海报": "Save POSTER",
  1045. "长按保存图片": "Long press to save picture",
  1046. "分销海报": "Distribution POSTER",
  1047. "小程序二维码需要发布正式版后才能获取到": "Applet QR code can only be obtained after publishing the official version",
  1048. "获取中": "Getting ",
  1049. "暂无数据~": "No data temporarily ~",
  1050. "提现记录": "Withdrawal",
  1051. "提现总额": "Total withdrawal",
  1052. "佣金记录": "Commission record",
  1053. "佣金明细": "Commission details",
  1054. "分销等级": "Distribution level ",
  1055. "昨日收益": "Yesterday's earnings",
  1056. "累积已提": "Cumulative withdrawn",
  1057. "代理商申请": "Agent application",
  1058. "立即提现": "Withdrawal",
  1059. "推广名片": "Business card",
  1060. "推广人统计": "Promoter statistics",
  1061. "推广人订单": "promoter order",
  1062. "推广订单": "Promotion order",
  1063. "事业部": "Business division",
  1064. "代理商": "Agent",
  1065. "推广人排行": "Promoter ranking",
  1066. "佣金排行": "Commission ranking",
  1067. "员工列表": "Employee list",
  1068. "您目前暂无推广权限": "You currently have no promotion permission",
  1069. "商城购物可享": "Shopping in the mall",
  1070. "折": "Discount",
  1071. "当前等级": "Current level",
  1072. "未达成": "Not reached",
  1073. "今日成长值": "Today's growth value",
  1074. "点": "Point",
  1075. "我的成长值记录": "My growth value record",
  1076. "暂未解锁该等级": "This level has not been unlocked yet",
  1077. "点,需达到": "Point, need to reach",
  1078. "已解锁更高等级": "Unlocked higher level",
  1079. "我的成长特权": "My growth privilege",
  1080. "购物折扣": "Discount",
  1081. "专属徽章": "Exclusive badge",
  1082. "经验累积": "Experience accumulation",
  1083. "尊享客服": "Exclusive service",
  1084. "签到": "Check in",
  1085. "可获得": "Available",
  1086. "点经验": "Point experience",
  1087. "每日签到可获得经验值,已签到": "Daily sign in can get experience value, signed in",
  1088. "去签到": "Check in",
  1089. "点经验/元": "Point experience/$",
  1090. "购买商品可获得对应的经验值": "Corresponding experience value can be obtained by purchasing goods",
  1091. "去购买": "Go buy",
  1092. "点经验/人": "Point experience/person",
  1093. "邀请好友注册商城可获得经验值": "Invite friends to register in the mall to get experience value",
  1094. "去邀请": "Invite",
  1095. "积分数": "Product fraction",
  1096. "消费金额": "Consumption amount",
  1097. "暂无经验记录": "No experience record",
  1098. "账户登录": "Account login",
  1099. "微信登录": "Wechat login",
  1100. "手机号登录": "Mobile login",
  1101. "账户充值": "Recharge",
  1102. "佣金转入": "Commission",
  1103. "周榜": "Weekly list",
  1104. "月榜": "Monthly list",
  1105. "周排行": "Weekly ranking",
  1106. "月排行": "Monthly ranking",
  1107. "语言切换": "Language",
  1108. "点击前往": "Click to go",
  1109. "查看全部": "View all",
  1110. "查看订单": "View order",
  1111. "无法获取图片信息": "Unable to get picture information",
  1112. "长按或扫描查看": "Long press or scan view",
  1113. "点解锁": "Point unlock",
  1114. "确认修改": "Confirm",
  1115. "保存修改": "Save",
  1116. "退出登录": "Log out",
  1117. "付费会员": "SVIP",
  1118. "地址信息": "Address",
  1119. "我的推广": "Extension",
  1120. "砍价记录": "Bargain",
  1121. "我的等级": "My level",
  1122. "兑换": "GO",
  1123. "申请中": "Application",
  1124. "统计管理": "Statistics",
  1125. "未发货": "Not issued",
  1126. "当前为最新版本": "Currently the latest version",
  1127. "清除缓存": "Clear cache",
  1128. "确定清楚本地缓存数据吗": "Are you sure you are clear about the local cache data",
  1129. "缓存清理完成": "Cache cleaning completed",
  1130. "切换的账号不存在": "The switched account does not exist",
  1131. "正在切换中": "Switching",
  1132. "确认退出登录": "Confirm logout",
  1133. "我知道了": "I see",
  1134. "系统错误": "System error",
  1135. "请求失败": "Request failed",
  1136. "邀请您加入": "Invite you to join ",
  1137. "图片上传中": "Uploading",
  1138. "上传图片失败": "Failed to upload image",
  1139. "访问位置被拒绝": "Access location denied",
  1140. "系统定位已关闭": "System positioning is turned off",
  1141. "需要定位权限": "Location permission required",
  1142. "订单核销": "Write-off",
  1143. "当前可转入佣金为":"The current transferable commission is",
  1144. "浏览记录":"Browsing",
  1145. "签到奖励":"Check-in Reward",
  1146. "请输入内容":"Please enter content",
  1147. "单次限购":"Single purchase restriction",
  1148. "永久限购":"Permanent purchase restriction",
  1149. "《用户协议》":"《User agreement》",
  1150. "《隐私协议》":"《Privacy agreement》",
  1151. "与":"And",
  1152. "请先阅读并同意协议":"Please read and agree to the agreement first",
  1153. "绑定下级通知":"Bind child notifications",
  1154. "购买成功通知":"Purchase success notification",
  1155. "确认收货通知":"Confirmation of receipt notice",
  1156. "改价通知":"Price change notice",
  1157. "退款成功通知":"Refund success notification",
  1158. "充值成功通知":"Recharge success notification",
  1159. "积分到账通知":"Notice of points arrival",
  1160. "佣金到账通知":"Notice of commission arrival",
  1161. "砍价成功通知":"Price negotiation success notice",
  1162. "拼团成功通知":"Notification of success of the tour group",
  1163. "拼团失败通知":"Notification of group failure",
  1164. "开团成功通知":"Notification of successful group opening",
  1165. "提现成功通知":"Withdrawal success notice",
  1166. "提现失败通知":"Withdrawal failure notice",
  1167. "充值退款通知":"Recharge refund notice",
  1168. "退款申请拒绝通知":"Refund application rejection notice",
  1169. "您有新的退款待处理":"You have a new refund pending processing",
  1170. "您有新的订单待处理":"You have a new order to be processed",
  1171. "发货通知":"Delivery notice",
  1172. "取消拼团通知":"Notice of cancellation of group tour",
  1173. "参团成功通知":"Notification of successful participation",
  1174. "你有个新的提现申请待处理":"You have a new withdrawal application to be processed",
  1175. "你有个新的用户收货待处理":"You have a new user receiving goods to be processed",
  1176. "提醒付款通知":"Reminder payment notice",
  1177. "短信验证码":"SMS verification code",
  1178. "到店自提":"Self withdrawal",
  1179. "快递配送":"Express"
  1180. }